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Launch Event Entrepreneurial Skills
In the past months, the hei_INNOVATION team has developed the Entrepreneurial Skills Certificate. In professional life, at the university, in research - in life in general - Entrepreneurial Skills play an increasingly important role. Bachelor and Master students as well as doctoral and post-doctoral students of all disciplines are introduced to the topics of innovation, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial skills in our new program. The Entrepreneurial Skills modules allow members of the university to further their education to a self-selected extent and at no additional cost. To introduce you to the content, structure and relevance of this certificate, we invite the friends of hei_INNOVATION to experience an inspiring evening. In addition to an exciting KeyNote by Dr. Mridul Agrawal, 5 great pitches from Heidelberg startup teams that have grown together with hei_INNOVATION over the past years, a final get-together with snacks and drinks awaits you.
Strongly limited number of tickets!
Where does the event happen?
Dezernat 16
Emil-Maier-Straße 16
69115 Heidelberg
When does the event happen?
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