TULIP, an EU-funded project led by Heidelberg University, is an interdisciplinary initiative developing cutting-edge research on plastic pollution, antimicrobial resistance, and climate change together with 11 partners in Europe and the Philippines.
At our upcoming Research-to-Policy event, TULIP partners and invited experts will delve into the challenges and interconnections among microplastic pollution, antimicrobial resistance, and climate change, exploring their impacts on water ecosystems and human health. A lively panel discussion will exchange views on barriers and innovative solutions within policy, community engagement, and social innovation.

Everyone is welcome to join us at this event, either in person or online. Following the discussions, we invite you to meet and engage with TULIP researchers, external speakers, and panelists over refreshments.

Live stream: https://www.youtube.com/live/IYcyaFaaLUQ?si=plPSoAd3DS8_L97l

Full program: https://tulip-project.eu/?page_id=338

The privacy policy is available at https://tulip-project.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Data-Privacy-Statement-Tulip-Event-2024-Heidelberg.pdf

The presale period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? Alte Aula
Grabengasse 1
69117 Heidelberg

When does the event happen?
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